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Sheridan Wyoming SIFE Keynote – Practical Inspiration

By April 5, 2009No Comments

Let’s SIFE IT UP! That was the mantra for the evening as we built up with energy just before I went on to deliver my keynote to the Sheridan business community. The speech was a fund-raiser event for Students in Free Enterprise at Sheridan College and was the culmination of a series of events with an international cultural theme. What a crowd and what a speech. I felt very welcome there – much thanks for Curtis and Loren and the crew for the hospitality and just totally embracing the message.

After a nice run with TELOS, (yes-he made the 8 hour harrowing road trip with me) I warmed up in the afternoon with a speech to the college students that started out with my story of Entrepreneurship and GDI highlights of the last ten years. I started and finished that speech by asking the question that every college student hears over and over and over… you know the one, “WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO?” Interweaving the story of creating your future with passion and some stories of challenges and successes over the last several years was quite fun and, from what I heard, impactful. Then I transitioned into The Spirit of Mokwai story which I just love. One of the highlights was the debut of BRING IT BACK – the trailer Scott Fessler put together. The crowd loved it and cheered at the end! Sweet. Nice work, Scottie.

And then the Keynote – well there’s about a thousand things I could say about how exciting that was for me and how the Seeking True North message was delivered and received. I will say this – The STN Message is one of PRACTICAL INSPIRATION. And yes, that’s a phrase that I just thought of, and it seems to ring true. An inspiring message that engages the audience to think about the principles and how they apply to their life, and how they can be APPLIED in a practical sense. In the end, as I concluded my speech, the room was so silent you could hear a pin drop – and everyone was still awake – amazing! HA HA. Seriously, the emotional ride included smiles, laughs, a few audience jeers (yes this happens when you reference leadership and Obama in the same sentence in Wyoming), questions, answers, big-time audience interaction and as I said my last word there were notable tears of inspiration – awesome! I was psyched – and I am sure you will be to when we share our next Seeking True North experience.

Peace –

Tim Walther
GDI President

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