Switch the Change: A Breakthrough Action Seminar February 2011
Here was our invitation video to the Jackson Hole Chamber of Commerce Switch the Change Seminar:
Here is a video of participant comments following the seminar:
Check out these comments from another recent Switch the Change seminar delivered for one of our clients:
Over the next 5 years I have the ability and influence to return $2.5 million on the investment in the workplace. This return is based on changes that I can implement with these tools and knowledge. The ROI in my personal life and happiness is “priceless.”
The skills I learned will help retaining good salesmen or saleswomen and customers. The ROI of this training could be 10’s of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars!
At work the ROI could be in the quarter of a million and I’ve already started making a roadmap on how we can get there.
At What an awesome program! It made me a believer in change leadership with my team, my company and most importantly myself.
The ROI could be in the quarter of a million and I’ve already started making a roadmap on how we can get there.
After attending the program I look at change very differently than before. I now have tools to influence change in whatever environment that I may be in.
FAST FACTS about your BIG opportunity!
- Friday, March 2nd 9 AM to 5 PM; Snow King Resort
- Presented by Tim Walther, President, Grand Dynamics International
- Chamber Members: $49 Half Day (Morning or Afternoon); $69 Full Day
- Non-Chamber: $69 Half Day; $89 Full Day
- 300% Guaranteed return on investment!
Who is this seminar for?
This is a management level training and also recommended for front line employees and anyone wishing to master the dynamics of change.
The morning will offer a framework for clearly understanding our change efforts and provide the framework for successful change for individuals, teams and businesses. The Switch model facilitates change opportunities from the three perspective of rational, emotional and structural and is packed with examples, models, methods, tools and strategies.
The afternoon will focus on applied psychology for overcoming barriers and implementing your specific, desired changes. You will have the opportunity to focus on a specific change opportunity and BREAKTHROUGH as a powerful metaphor for positive change. Participants literally break through a wooden board and there are a variety of ways to accomplish this daunting feat! You will keep this experience with you for a life time.
BRING YOUR BIGGEST CHALLENGE – Personal and/or Professional – and we’ll help you solve it.
Can I just attend a half day?
Yes! You can attend the morning or the afternoon session. 9:00 to 12:30 or 1:30 to 5:00. We HIGHLY recommend attending the full day program.
Why Now?
Our ability to adapt and change is a critical skill for thriving in today’s world.
Whether it’s changing the world or your waistline, this seminar will teach you how to make the changes most important to you now.
Gain a valuable skill set in applied psychology as you resolve your most challenging issues of change on an individual, team and organizational level.
Understand motivation, overcome resistance, and shape your environment to make change easier and more enjoyable.
Help others to change a habit and learn to initiate change in the workplace.
Improve your interactions with customers and colleagues for better business practice.
Find out how you can motivate the elephant (emotions), direct the rider (logic) and clear the pathway (environment) to implement successful patterns of change in life and business.
Say good-bye to inner conflict and hello to untapped profits for your business!
Network with other Jackson Hole business community leaders, gain valuable strategies for your life and business and experience powerful results!
ROI Guarantee!
This seminar offers a guaranteed 300% return, or your change back. If you are personally not blown away by this seminar, please ask for your investment back and we will be happy to refund your registration fee. Register three or more people per business and save 10%. Scholarships or volunteer positions considered on a case by case basis. Contact Grand Dynamics for additional information at info@granddynamics.com
Grand Dynamics International President, Tim Walther, will facilitate this program. Tim Walther holds a B.S. in Applied Business Psychology and a M.S in Experiential Education and has worked facilitating change with top business executives for over fifteen years.
After attending this seminar, you will have a powerful skill set to change anything you want, and may no longer have any excuses to hold you back!
RSVP Required: Register NOW to events@jacksonholechamber.com to reserve your spot.
Got Questions? Send us an Email! info@granddynamics.com
Learn more about this seminar at www.granddynamics.com