Check out this site with for an incredible resource of personal and business development. Inspiring videos, books and more… including a feature of Grand Dynamics’ leading experiential training programs that deliver results worth talking about…
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How Do We Choose What Goes on the Site
There are a lot of workshops out there. Some of them are great and some of them are not. That being said, how do we know? Most of the workshops that I attended that were of any value I learned from others. That is what this site does for you.
For the first time you will be part of a community of individuals and organizations that focus on one thing, results. If you have seen results from a workshop, training, book, or other type of media; let us know what it is. Then others who have tried it can give their take.
Helping us make this site better
The reality is that anywhere from 8 to 11 billion dollars are spent annually to develop both organizations and people’s lives. This amount is expected to grow by over 11% annually over the next decade. Most of that money is spent fruitlessly because up until now, there hasn’t been anywhere to go to learn the benefits of various practices and processes. This is where you come into play. If there is something that you found value in, let us know. If it is already on the site, review it so others will know. If there is something on the site that you found didn’t meet your expectations, let us know.
The times of reading a book, hiring a coach or taking a workshop and hoping they will give you the outcome you want are over. Welcome, to Pacing Outcomes.