Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within
JOIN THE GDI Team for this
EPIC LIVE seminar with Tony Robbins
Many of you understand that my personal and professional outlook on life has been dramatically impacted by Tony Robbins.
If you haven’t been to one of his live events, this is your opportunity to join the Grand Dynamics for a VIP monumental life-changing experience.
Prepare to WALK ON FIRE on day one (yes! One of my favorite events to deliver to our corporate groups – Firewalking!) and experience the strategies for personal growth along with the energy from a wild crowd of passionate people – all together to take life to the next level.
EVEN BETTER – Because you are a part of our ALL IN Grand Dynamics Team… YOU SAVE $$$$$ with this All In Insider Event!
When you attend with our Grand Dynamics team, you, and whoever you choose to bring with you as a guest, will receive our special group discounted rate!
Regular VIP Price: $1595 >>>>> Grand Dynamics VIP ALL IN Price: $895
We are going VIP!
Click the link below to email us for your instructions to register with the Grand Dynamics ALL IN UPW Discount