Corona Times Virtual Adventure Welcome and Instructions – April 19, 2020
Welcome to your Corona Times Virtual Adventure!
Sunday, April 19th Event
Here are your instructions for how to play your game:
1. Watch this one-minute video tutorial:
How to Play the Game in One Minute
You will:
– Download the Social Scavenger mobile phone App,
– Search for your:
Game Name: 419CTVA
– Enter your
Game Code: 20glory (case sensitive!)
There will be no challenges open until game time!
IMPORTANT: TEAM SIGN IN for the Social Scavenger App
To play the game with multiple people (or on multiple devices on one team who are remote) you will need to sign into the game app using ONE EMAIL AND PASSWORD for your team! (Otherwise, you will be playing multiple games.)
2. Join Tim Walther’s Zoom Meeting at 10:45 AM to connect with participants and get any technical support needed. (Mountain Time):
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 245 676 7515
Password: dynamics
EVENT TIMELINE (Mountain Time)
10:45 AM Sign into Zoom to meet participants and Opening Ceremonies
11 AM Event Opening – GAME ON! (Zoom Tech Support if needed)
2:00 PM Event Closing on the Same Zoom Link – Leaderboard Announced
If you can’t make it to the opening, you can sign in to the game app at any time between 11:00 and 2:00 PM to complete as many challenges as you like!
If you want to log in via computer, simply go to (not .com)
In the upper right, click my builder and then, play on web and enter the game information there!
(you will need to refresh the browser or game app frequently and the game if multiple devices are being used.)
If you can’t figure it out, sign in to our Zoom Room early and we can help you during the game.
Last Words
Our primary PURPOSE is to inspire YOU, your family and friends by stimulating creativity, optimism, inspiration, and connection all through playing an interactive, FUN, awesome game!
Our bigger purpose is to SHARE how people are choosing to respond to our current circumstances and filling our world with much-needed positive energy and optimism.
PLEASE SHARE our Event and Join us at Grand Dynamics Event Page on Facebook.
THANK YOU for being a part of it all!
We’re looking forward to PLAYING with you soon!
Tim Walther, Grand Dynamics
Warren Glenn, Social Scavenger