This is a video recently produced from a 10 city national team building and leadership development roll-out with Sonic Automotive. Sonic is an incredible company with a vision to develop the company culture – and in particular the systems and the leadership throughout the organization. Check out this engaging video synopsis of how experiential training helps Sonic to begin to infuse their culture with their most important driving characteristics.
A BIG thanks to Richard O’connor and the Regional F&I Directors for delivering the message and working with the Grand Dynamics team for these outstanding programs. Nice job Will and Stephanie on the facilitation – and to Stephanie for putting the video together. And to all the participants, YOU ROCK! Remember the Playbook, Conscious Leadership, and to transfer your Sonic – Grand Dynamics experience for positive personal and business results.
This type of program is what we (Grand Dynamics) refer to as a CULTURE INFUSION. – Tim