Get Your Story Published in Our Next Book!


Welcome to the ALL IN Adventure Stories submission form. We're excited to read your work. We accept stories that are written in English.

If this is your first time submitting a story, please visit our Story Guidelines page, which will answer many of your questions about subject matter, length, and style. Following our guidelines will give you the best possible chance of being accepted.

We are currently seeking outdoor experiences / adventure stories for the next edition of ALL IN Adventure Stories. These can be in any sport area but should include elements of an epic adventure, challenge, overcoming significant obstacles, and lessons worth sharing.

We are also accepting adventure stories of any theme. We are excited to hear what your ALL IN Adventure Story is and how we might position it in a future book!

Please complete all fields in the form below. If you live outside the United States, please fill in the parts of the form that pertain to you and where you live. Even if you are a past contributor and we have your information on file, we need your complete information again. If you have changed your contact information and you have a submission still outstanding for a book that is in process, please let us know your new information and the book you submitted for by alerting us at

We do not pay for submissions for the stories we publish, but you will have the opportunity to be a published author along with other amazing people who are inspiring people to live with more adventure in their lives.

Before you press the “Submit” button, please make sure the contact information you entered above is accurate.

Please note: Only submit your story one time. Submitting the same story more than once to the same topic causes delays and could result in your story being disqualified from publishing consideration.

After you press the SUBMIT button: Do not close the screen. Wait for the next screen to come up with this message:


If you do not receive this message we did not receive your work – please try again.

You will also receive a separate email from us acknowledging receipt of your work. If you don’t see this email, please check your SPAM and Marketing folders.

If you do not receive the message on your screen after submitting or do not receive the confirmation email, please contact us at and we can confirm that we have your information in our system. If you have received both confirmation messages, PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT US to receive an additional confirmation.